How to Choose the Right Career path after HSC?
Have you ever imagined yourself, working hard for a job you'd never liked at all? This is a thought I guess every student thinks at some point in their life. Being the oldest & of course the first person to step in college brings a feeling of proudness and also reminds me of all those confusions & doubts that students like me who never got someone to guide to choose the right career path might face.
Deciding your career path after your 12th is an important matter of concern. Today's world has so many career options which prove to be an asset for students but often creates major distress for the 'Just Grown-Up One's' ."Am I capable of doing it?","Is there any scope in this field for me"? "Will this field help me earn enough to support my family?"....these are few amongst many doubts I used to have after my HSC and is often asked by my young siblings and other friends.
So, to all students who are just on the verge of choosing their career path, after your 12th, irrespective of your stream, Here are some few key points you must keep in mind before deciding your career field.

1. Never make a decision under Peer Pressure - This is a quite common issue or rather a trend of today's Student world to choose a field just because their friends are doing it. There's an old saying that "Every finger in our hand is never equal". You can easily relate what I want to explain with this i.e No two students are totally similar. There might be a situation that two or more of your friends are having a common interest but does that course/field makes you curious or something? If the answer is 'Yes' you shall proceed with it but if the answer is 'No' just give yourself some time before acting.
2. Determine your Aptitude and Personal Interest - Before choosing a career path its very important to know who are you? what are your strong and week points? If you were lucky enough to know your interests and dislikes and had chosen it wisely after your SSC exams, you should confidently make a move in your desired career field without any further confusion. But for them who were not so lucky like me to get to decide your skills & talents at that time here are some ideas you can implement to know your interests.
a. What is something that you are keen to mess with or reading a few lines makes you curious to find out more about the subject or topic? For e.g. I use to love chapters and articles related to new inventions and innovative ideas specifically in the Technical field, so this was the first hint I had but was not wise though to understand it. I hope this will clear your vision somewhat. If not, consider the second point.
b. Analyze your practical knowledge about some kinds of stuff you never studied or came across still makes you more focused and inspires you when you listen to somebody or observe it. When I was in my HSC, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics were my core subjects still, I loved spending time with my friends talking about innovative startups and technical development by young entrepreneurs.
c. Have a word with your parents or some experienced member of your family about their thought-process regarding various fields and ideas. If any of their ideas strikes your mind, try to know more about that particular field from various sources available on the internet if there is something that inspires you then you are good to go!
d. Still not able to pick your interest? Just think of your capabilities in your current stream if you think you are capable of continuing it, choose some subjects which at least makes some sense to you if not better change your stream and search for some better option available.
Knowingly or Unknowingly, the above points luckily helped me to know where my interest lies. If you still need help you can attempt a the career guidance test at
3. Don’t let Money be Your Ultimate goal - Sometimes students make a mistake while choosing their field by determining the salary or income in a particular field without considering their capabilities. This is something that ruins their 20's & 30's since they keep working for money without any personal interest. So deciding your career should be purely on something you love to do rather than comparing various fields on the basis of money it may bring.
4. Is Finance a Problem? - Every one of us wants to be in the best institute with the best degree we can pursue. This at times gives rise to financial concern. Since I had faced something similar to it, believe me, it requires a little knowledge of your course to find an alternative for it which even fits your budget. Don't be under the wrong impression that you are paid for the degree you hold, you are paid for the skills you own. So don't change your field if finance is your issue, rather try to look for an alternative as there are multiple career options available in every stream. For e.g. If a student is interested in computers and technology determined to choose Engineering as a career path but lack in finance can opt for BSC.IT, BCA, BSC.CS or other diploma courses. This may help him/her develop his/her interest and can lead them to their desired place.
5. Keep Calm and Have Faith — Please keep in mind career is AFTER you, Don’t be too anxious about which profession you should go into. Anxiety will always make you take the wrong decision. Take it easy, go step by step. Remember your voice from inside which knows you the best. Try to analyze things calmly and make a decision.
6. For students who always lacked their academic skills, never let your self-esteem go low. Choose some course to at least clear your graduations this might help you develop your interest in the field & you will surely learn something. Slowly and gradually you will understand your field of interest and its never late to start again. Remember, "Its Better to be in the game instead of sitting and cheering for others".
The last but not the least, Each one of us has been gifted with some unique talent. You would've heard of several talented personalities who never loved their school and college life but has done wonders in their future.
Don't worry and Have hope, if you are not able to do something this doesn't mean that you are not capable of doing it, it may rather be like "We are determining a Fish's capability to Climb a tree". So focus on what you are and what suits you the best. Don't let the outside world to determine your future.
"Be Brave, Be Determined, Overcome the odds, IT CAN BE DONE!" - Stephen Hawking